Jungle house with no AC

Jungle house with no AC

When you visit the jungle, you do not think about the heat. Usually, you’re thinking about the animals and getting lost in the trees and listening to nature noises. When we booked the lodging for our trip to the jungle, we didn’t think once about the fact that there would not be AC in the

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Heating and Cooling my Knees a Bit to Help Heal Them

Heating and Cooling my Knees a Bit to Help Heal Them

If you ever injure yourself try using ice and then heat repeatedly for a few days and see how it helps with healing. I’ve had many many ligament and tendon injuries and have discovered the secret of healing them using hot and cold therapy consecutively over the first few days of the injury. I am

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Freon Frenzy

Freon Frenzy

Now it is the heat of summer and daytime temperatures are in the 90s so she finally decided that it was time to get it fixed My mom is one of those people who tends to exaggerate any situation. Take for instance an automobile accident, if she happens to see one while she’s driving you

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Refrigerant leak requires repair

Refrigerant leak requires repair

When I purchased a home in Chicago, the furnace was nearly brand new but the air conditioner was outdated. According to the home inspection, the AC unit could be expected to last several more years. Since the house required quite a few expensive updates, I was hoping to avoid replacing the cooling system. I made

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Having a great heat pump for my business

Having a great heat pump for my business

With my current task I signed that I spend a lot of time underneath the light. I have a current task with makeup. So I am consistently filming myself wearing makeup. I am consistently under the light applying makeup for people to look plus see, however this light tends to make me easily warm while

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Hot Coffee Shops

Hot Coffee Shops

My best neighbor Grace and I have consistently loved to get together a few times a week just to talk and encourage one another. My buddy and I used to go local restaurants to have supper together while we talked, however it got a little too extravagant, so we decided to find local pop shops

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No More Chocolate or Computer Before Going to Bed for Me

No More Chocolate or Computer Before Going to Bed for Me

Last night I ate some peppermint chocolate that my stepmom gave me plus I was seeing videos of camping in the cold weather till about 11pm, plus I was wide awake for hours afterwards tossing plus turning, and needless to say, this week I am pretty weary plus need to just chill out plus get

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The blizzard buried and froze our HVAC unit outside

The blizzard buried and froze our HVAC unit outside

We recently had the biggest snowstorm of the season. During this snowstorm our heat went out. When this happened we were sleeping. We noticed that we had felt really cold. Not even the blankets were helping us to keep very warm. We called the HVAC business in the morning. However, everything was closed. We would

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Moving Out East

Moving Out East

I have grew up out West, & I absolutely loved it! My parents still live out there, & I look forward to going to see them each year. I would have never dreamed of leaving my rare dwelling out West, but falling in cherish certainly changes things. When I met Vincent, my heart fell for

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I had a really long day on Friday

I had a really long day on Friday

My girlfriend and I planned to go to the Nebraska Cornhuskers game in Lincoln on Saturday, but I had a really long day on Friday at work and I was way too tired to go anywhere. For the past couple of weeks, I have been working on a brand new building in the heart of

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