Freon Frenzy

Freon Frenzy

Her mechanic plus told her the last time she took it in that it would be needing the freon charged soon but that she thought it might last a couple more months My Dad is one of those people who tends to exaggerate any situation. Take for instance an vehicle accident, if she happens to

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A slippery predicament.

A slippery predicament.

There are multiple type of weather systems that can affect you adversely. If your area suddenly experiences extreme heat you can suffer from heat exhaustion, but on the other hand, if you live in a region that experiences extremely cold winters,you can have a problem too. My uncle plus uncle live up North plus they

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Spray foam helped to fix my house when it started to feel drafty

Spray foam helped to fix my house when it started to feel drafty

There has been some trouble in paradise lately. my house is usually really comfortable. I never have a concern setting the temperatures or changing them. I never have an issue turning the system on and off. It always works perfectly for me. I entirely am grateful for that though. The concern is that lately I

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Spray foam helped to fix my house when it started to feel drafty

Spray foam helped to fix my house when it started to feel drafty

There has been some trouble in paradise lately. my home is usually very comfortable. I never have a problem setting the temperatures or changing them. I never have an issue turning the system on and off. It always works perfectly for me. I certainly am grateful for that though. The problem is that lately I

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A slippery predicament.

A slippery predicament.

There are several type of weather systems that can affect you adversely. If your area abruptly experiences serious heat you can suffer from heat exhaustion, but on the other hand, if you live in a region that experiences extremely cold winters,you can have a problem too. My aunt plus uncle live up North plus they

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Large Spaces and Small AC Units

Large Spaces and Small AC Units

My husband and I are currently living at campground down South. My husband is good friends with the owner of the campground, and he offered to sell us a nice big chunk of the property for a great price. We bought a rundown fifth wheel trailer to live in while we started the process of

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Summer Camp and No AC

Summer Camp and No AC

Ever since we were young, my husband and I have loved to take our little family to summer camp. Each year in July, we pack up our things and head off to a week of relaxation. I love that I don’t have to cook for an entire week, and the kids have activities of their

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