Having an automation system installed for my mama

Having an automation system installed for my mama

My mother is eighty-two years old plus still quite independent, and she lives on her own, volunteers at the bookstore plus officially has supper with friends. She has no problem driving to the grocery store, mowing her lawn plus keeping up with yearly tasks, however even though she is sharp, strong plus healthy, I worry

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No More Chocolate or Computer Before Going to Bed for Me

No More Chocolate or Computer Before Going to Bed for Me

Last evening I ate some peppermint chocolate that my stepDad gave me & I was watching videos of camping in the frigid weather till about 11pm, & I was wide awake for hours afterwards tossing & turning, then needless to say, today I am pretty fatigued & need to just chill out & get some

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Cooking in a Really Hot Kitchen

Cooking in a Really Hot Kitchen

Who doesn’t love a good aged fashioned home cooked meal? In my personal experience, no one that I’ve gave to cook for has ever declined my offer. My good friend, Terry, and I are constantly looking for ways to help our community, and one of our number ones things to do doing is to cook

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Our big farmhouse gets chilly during the winter months

Our big farmhouse gets chilly during the winter months

I have always wanted to live in a farmhouse. I know that it is sort of a huge thing right now, but I have loved the farmhouse style since I was a little girl. My grandparents owned a farmhouse for my entire childhood, and it was my favorite place to go and play. I loved

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I got my neighbor an air purification system

I got my neighbor an air purification system

I purchased my neighbor plus air purification system a few weeks ago, plus he told me that he loves it. I honestly am super delighted that he cares about it. I was not sure if he would like it or even use it. She never asked me for an air purification system. I just told

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Start Spring with ductwork cleaning

Start Spring with ductwork cleaning

I’m quiet satisfied with myself this week, then i am honestly looking to take Spring cleaning seriously this year. I’ve made noise about this before! Actually, I’ve been swearing that I would start Spring off with a deep clean for a decade. It never happened. But I just got off the phone with the Heating,

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Spray foam helped to fix my house when it started to feel drafty

Spray foam helped to fix my house when it started to feel drafty

There has been some trouble in paradise lately. my house is usually really comfortable. I never have a concern setting the temperatures or changing them. I never have an issue turning the system on and off. It always works perfectly for me. I entirely am grateful for that though. The concern is that lately I

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Losing Heat During a Blizzard

Losing Heat During a Blizzard

Last winter time was one of the hardest winters that my family has ever experienced; My Grandpa passed away unexpectedly in December, & it took quite a toll on the family. To make matters even worse, my associate and I had planned a large Christmas celebration at our house that my associate and I simply

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Summer Camp and No AC

Summer Camp and No AC

Ever since my good friend and I were young, my partner and I have enjoyed to take our little family to Summer camp, each year in July, my good friend and I pack up our things and head off to a week of relaxation. I adore that I don’t have to cook for an entire

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Our sizable farmcondo gets frosty during the winter months

Our sizable farmcondo gets frosty during the winter months

I have regularly wanted to live in a farmhouse. I know that it is sort of a huge thing right now, even though I have appreciated the farmcondo style since I was a little boy. My Grandfatherrents owned a farmcondo for my entire childhood, plus it was my number one place to go plus play.

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I would like to hire a professional plumbing repair for our home

I would like to hire a professional plumbing repair for our home

Over the years, one of the things that we have consistently skimped on when it comes to saving money around the house are the plumbing services that we have hired. It seems like we have consistently been narrow on money in addition to so we have consistently looked for the cheapest solution to any concern

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