The coldest winter of all time for me

The coldest winter of all time for me

I have been told that this is the coldest winter since I have been alive. That is so silly to guess about. I am 23 years old. So in 23 years of my life this is the coldest winter by far. I can also tell that this is the coldest winter. My unbelievable friend and

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Freon Frenzy

Freon Frenzy

Now it is the heat of summer and daytime temperatures are in the 90s so she finally decided that it was time to get it fixed My mom is one of those people who tends to exaggerate any situation. Take for instance an automobile accident, if she happens to see one while she’s driving you

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Having an automation system installed for my mama

Having an automation system installed for my mama

My mother is eighty-two years old plus still quite independent, and she lives on her own, volunteers at the bookstore plus officially has supper with friends. She has no problem driving to the grocery store, mowing her lawn plus keeping up with yearly tasks, however even though she is sharp, strong plus healthy, I worry

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Spray foam helped to service my apartment when it started to feel drafty

Spray foam helped to service my apartment when it started to feel drafty

There has been some trouble in paradise lately. my apartment is usually absolutely comfortable. I never have a problem setting the temperatures or changing them. I never have an issue turning the system on plus off. It always works perfectly for me. I definitely am grateful for that though. The problem is that lately I

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One More Week in the Wild plus Wacky USA of America

One More Week in the Wild plus Wacky USA of America

This is a wild country for sure, plus with one more week to go you never know what is going to happen. I met this particularly pretty man at a bonfire celebration plus he was asking for my cellphone number plus seemed legitimately interested in me. She messaged me this week but called me the

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Losing Heat During a Blizzard

Losing Heat During a Blizzard

He came a few hours early to repair the furnace. Last winter was one of the hardest winters that my family has ever experienced. My grandfather passed away unexpectedly in December, and it took quite a toll on the family. To make matters even worse, we had planned a huge Christmas party at our house

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Start Spring with ductwork cleaning

Start Spring with ductwork cleaning

I’m quiet satisfied with myself this week, then i am honestly looking to take Spring cleaning seriously this year. I’ve made noise about this before! Actually, I’ve been swearing that I would start Spring off with a deep clean for a decade. It never happened. But I just got off the phone with the Heating,

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The blizzard buried and froze our HVAC unit outside

The blizzard buried and froze our HVAC unit outside

We recently had the biggest snowstorm of the season. During this snowstorm our heat went out. When this happened we were sleeping. We noticed that we had felt really cold. Not even the blankets were helping us to keep very warm. We called the HVAC business in the morning. However, everything was closed. We would

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