Sun baked Football game

Sun baked Football game

My gentlemen both play Little League Football for the town plus savor it. There are times that I wish they didn’t because it takes up so much of our summer, however they have practice 4 nights a week plus games almost every weekend. The games are played rain or shine unless there is a treat

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The blizzard buried and froze our HVAC unit outside

The blizzard buried and froze our HVAC unit outside

We recently had the biggest snowstorm of the season. During this snowstorm our heat went out. When this happened we were sleeping. We noticed that we had felt really cold. Not even the blankets were helping us to keep very warm. We called the HVAC business in the morning. However, everything was closed. We would

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The coldest winter season of all time for me

The coldest winter season of all time for me

I have been told that this is the coldest winter season since I have been alive. That is so deranged to suppose about. I am 23 years old. So in 23 years of my life this is the coldest winter season by far. I can also tell that this is the coldest winter. My pal

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Benefits of an electric heat pump

Benefits of an electric heat pump

It maintains a very consistent comfort and uses minimal energy When choosing a heating and cooling system for my home, environmental responsibility was a top priority. I wanted to find an energy-efficient and sustainable technology to minimize running costs and carbon footprint. After quite a bit of research, I decided on an electric heat pump.

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Making room for mom

Making room for mom

While the idea of having my mother-in-law live with us is difficult, the reality of the situation is that we may have no choice. Our choices in home care are becoming more limited as her mental faculties are slipping farther and farther away. She is childlike on most days and makes everyday choices that can

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confusion with how to set the thermostat

confusion with how to set the thermostat

I was looking forward to Springtime because my buddy and I had such a long, cold winter. I just wanted to open the windows, air out my house, & see the orange leaves return to the trees. When the beginning of April arrived & it was still snowing, I began to think that I would

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Air purification makes me so cheerful

Air purification makes me so cheerful

These mornings, my associate and I are both rushing home from the zone controlled Heating and A/C of our respective offices for home I’m so content when I come home from a long morning inside the commercial Heating and A/C of my office. I cherish what I do for a living but that labor space

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Freon Frenzy

Freon Frenzy

Her mechanic plus told her the last time she took it in that it would be needing the freon charged soon but that she thought it might last a couple more months My Dad is one of those people who tends to exaggerate any situation. Take for instance an vehicle accident, if she happens to

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