When I was a teenager I was lucky enough to get a task working at a summer time camp.
This Camp was located in the Low Country down south plus although most nights were warm plus muggy my buddy and I had a freak weather pattern come through plus it wound up to be very cold plus rainy for nights on end.
All my buddy and I could feel of was figuring out how to keep over a hundred campers from complaining about being cold, believe it or not it was easier at night because they were snuggled into their bunks with their sleeping bags plus they were at least somewhat warm, but during the day it was a unusual story, but everywhere you went was wet plus angry. There was a large dining hall that had a large cement fireplace plus the staff tried to keep a fire going there all the time so that people could take a split from the cold but my buddy and I couldn’t all just sit in there all day long. The main home of the seasoned plantation that was used for camp had a furnace in it but unluckyly it wasn’t working plus my buddy and I had to contact an Heating & A/C supplier to come out plus look at it. Because of its age there was no way to get parts so my buddy and I hoped that they could find some way to make it work. The professional that came out said that she knew of an older gentleman in the area that knew a lot about the older systems. She came plus was able to come up with a way to make it labor temporarily but suggested that my buddy and I look into purchasing a newer furnace. For the most part the camp was only used during the warmer months so it was decided that they would just make do for that time.