When you visit the jungle, you do not think about the heat. Usually, you’re thinking about the animals and getting lost in the trees and listening to nature noises. When we booked the lodging for our trip to the jungle, we didn’t think once about the fact that there would not be AC in the house we were renting. Eager to get to our destination, we hopped in the rental car and headed to the cabin. The first thing you notice in the jungle is the humidity. The rain each day causes the atmosphere to be very wet and hot. The humidity is almost suffocating. I didn’t realize that we might be in trouble without AC until I stepped into the bedroom after a long hike and a cold shower. The hot, humid air filled the room and I immediately started the sweat again. It was impossible to feel clean here. There was not even a ceiling fan to circulate the air. It was just wet, hot air and the temperature was contrast throughout the night. Like I said, it was impossible to feel clean here. On that first night, I lay in the bed and wondered if the sheets were washed in between each guest. I know that I wasn’t the only person with these thoughts. As I lay down, I knew I was in for a rough night. I tried not to move too much because I didn’t want to feel the sweat of my body moving to other parts of my body. I wished there was a fan somewhere for me to cool down a little. All I could do was take another cold shower, and lay back down. I finally got some rest, but only to wake up to a sweltering hot room with no AC.