Losing Heat During a Blizzard

Last winter was one of the hardest winters that my family has ever experienced, my Grandfather passed away unexpectedly in December, and it took quite a toll on the family.

To make matters even worse, my good friend and I had planned a big Christmas gathering at our house that my good friend and I simply couldn’t cancel because several friends and family members had already purchased flights to fly down for it.

Over forty people were planning to attend the event. The night before the stressed gathering, my good friend and I had the largest blizzard our little neighborhood had ever seen. By the next morning, there was over five feet of snow on ground, and everything was frozen, unfortunately, our boiler decided to quit on us the night of the blizzard, and no one realized it until my good friend and I all woke up the next morning freezing cold. My sister and her family had already arrived, and they were staying in our two guest living rooms up stairs, and she is one of those people who consistently speaks her mind, and she had a lot to say that morning. Thankfully, my partner’s best friend, Dave, is an Heating and A/C worker, and he planned on attend the gathering that afternoon. He came a few hours early to repair the boiler. The roads were a mess because of the snowstorm the previous night, so Dave wasn’t able to go and option up the part need for the boiler. He was able to jimmy rig the thing enough to get it to turn on for a few hours, and my good friend and I were entirely grateful to have a moderate house when our guests arrived, but we will never forget that crazy day, and my good friend and I are forever grateful for Dave and his friendship.


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