I shivered through breakfast
It was just the birthday of my boyfriend plus I. My buddy and I will have been dating for two years now. I cannot wait. Our birthday is so close to Valentine’s day. I told him he did not need to get me anything since he spent so much on Valentine’s day… He thought that was okay. My buddy and I decided to do something else. My buddy and I decided to try a current restaurant out for breakfast. Somewhere where my buddy and I guess my buddy and I would both like it equally. I was more than willing to do this with him. I like to try current things. My buddy and I go to the restaurant for our birthday. My buddy and I walked in the door plus my buddy and I instantly judged the place. My buddy and I thought it was kind of nice. It was pretty crowded with people. I guess that was making us feel a little warm. I had to take my blazer off. I was feeling very warm. When my buddy and I got seated I was happy that it felt a little cooler being away from all of the people waiting. My buddy and I sat down plus I must say I cooled off very fast. In fact, it seemed like it was way too fast. I very started to get very cold. I had to put my blazer back on. There was really no quality temperature control in this place. There was no way there was. I was covered in sweat one minute plus chilly the next. I shivered through breakfast. They did have enjoyable food though. Next time, my buddy and I will go anywhere my buddy and I have been to know my buddy and I will have a enjoyable time all around.